I have been ingoring you, my blog. I really don't know why. I have managed to play two very good computer games this past couple of months. I have gotten on facebook many times to see what my relatives have been doing. I have went on my summer vacation, and it was very short. Almost two short.
Right now, I'm trying to figure out how to make tea in a coffee maker. I broke down yesterday and bought one. I'm without a stove so I could make my usual coffee maker which you pour boiling water thru the coffee. It is hard to explain. It's a little cone shaped plastic coffee filter that you put on top of a cup and put a cone shaped coffee filter and coffee into. Then you pour boiling water into it and it drips right into the cup. It's very simple. I like weak coffee and it makes it very good. I hate having to wash many dishes and a coffee maker. And an electric coffee maker gets very disgusting after a while from all the mineral deposits being left from the boiling water. But since I cannot boil water right now, I decided to buy a $10 coffee maker. It will be cheaper than many trips to starbucks.
I will be back soon to put up my pictures from this summer's vacation to Fort Wilderness in Orlando. It was fun!
6 days ago
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