Thursday, July 31, 2008

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Monday, July 28, 2008

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Misc Stuff at Atlantis


GrouperThat's a conch hanging out of the shell.

Moray Eel

Friday, July 25, 2008

Spiny Lobsters

Below is a female spiny lobster. You can tell a female because she folds her tail under to protect the eggs.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Discover Atlantis -- The Dig

The Dig
Atlantis Resort
Paradise Island

This statuary below represents an icon from the ancient civilization. Atlanteans placed written wishes in the holes within the wall behind the shrine.
This looks like amethyst. The Atlanteans would rub it for good luck. Perhaps I shouldn't have touched it because how good is it for your home to sink under the ocean.

You know, it's very tricky to get a picture of the reflection of the camera so good. This is where Atlanteans have hidden thier precious documents and scientific discoveries.
The submarine that the Atlanteans used to go under the city's foundation to try to fix the sinking problem.
Their underwater scuba suit.
The astronomy lab.
A helment that the Atlantean astrologist would use to see with.

Quartz on the walls.

Georesanant clock

The amethyst rock again. It would look good in my living room.

We enjoyed our tour through the dig. It was very interesting. Of course, I believe that the story of Atlantis is the very first tall tale that has a published beginning. It probably is somewhat based on fact and then stretched. Just imagine how the story of Paul Bunyon is going to be stretched in ten centuries from now. Having grown up in South Georgia where the tales are stretched a lot by fishermen and hunters, I do love a good story.