Boy do we look tired. Supper that night was a Venician feast. It was interesting with caesar salad, onion soup, and some really good steak roast. There was a good amount of seafood on the menu too, but I can only take so much seafood. I also had a raspberry pudding like dessert ontop a sugar cookie. It was good with real raspberries that were very sweet and not tart at all. Anytime I buy raspberries at the grocery store, they disappoint me because they are very tart. But these raspberries in this pudding was just like I believe that raspberries are suppose to be. I must have been spoiled growing up with fresh ripe raspberries that grow in the wild with our wild blackberries.
After this supper we attending a newly wed game show. It was fun. They picked three couples out of the audience. First they picked the oldest couple that had been married 60 years. Then they picked the newest couple out of the audience. They had only been married for two days. They must have gotten married on the ship. Then the audience voted among the couples in the audience that had been married for 35 years, you know a middle couple. It was very funny. One of the questions was how expensive was your first date. It was the men's turn to answer the questions first without the women there. The man in the newest couple answered $2. The price to get into the state park where they had a picnic. The man from the middle couple answered $11 for movie tickets. The man from the oldest couple answered $2 for tickets to a dance. I thought that was interesting. After this show, we went to see the midnight buffet. We didn't eat anything because they just didn't have anything there that was interesting enougth to wait in a very long line. So we took pictures instead. I will post them up here later.